We live in a “flat society” that wants you to relate to everyone in an identical way. This is unnatural. The structure of the family teaches us that age, station, and sex play a central role in how we appropriately relate to each other.
In 1 Timothy 5:1-2, Paul lays this out:
Do not sharply rebuke an older man, but rather appeal to him as a father, to the younger men as brothers, the older women as mothers, and the younger women as sisters, in all purity.
We should just get this. It’s natural. So why don’t we?
It’s because over the last several decades egalitarianism slowly redefined marriage, family, and the household.
In the name of equality, egalitarianism waged a crusade to eliminate the difference between sexes and most other distinguishing relational factors. This is because egalitarianism isn’t about equality. It’s about sameness.
We all grew up stewing in the waters of sameness. This is why usually erudite Christians can be so bad on sexuality, friendships, and social structure. Many who are otherwise solid, even professing patriarchy, are functional egalitarians.
It’s unnatural for a husband to relate to his wife as if she is a brother.
It’s unnatural for a wife to relate to her husband as if he is a sister.
It’s unnatural for young men to relate to older men as if they are equals.
It’s unnatural for older men to relate to young men as if they are an equal.
So on and so forth…
As a side-note, this is why the idea of the necessity of a brotherhood for men and sisterhood for women is offensive to even Christians. It offends that great principle of sameness laid down by egalitarianism.
Totally agreed. Good post, brother. I’m afraid we are losing our ability to think, and the constant conflation of equality and sameness is a central culprit. You start to see it everywhere, men and women, any discussion of “equity”, even the Israel/Hamas war. We seem to be losing our ability to make categorical distinctions in general.
I’m not offended by the idea of brotherhood for men/sisterhood for women. ??