Great reminder. We believe in the Communion of the Saints, not content creators. There is no replacement for the brothers in the flesh beside you. Their prayers are mighty. Their encouragement is irreplaceable. The Holy Spirit has given them gifts for your edification that cannot be found online.

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Let’s be honest. We are talking about men here. Internet forums are not jam packed with women eager to debate ideas and discuss the state of the world and the Christian response. It’s an almost exclusively male enterprise.

Likewise, the church has become a female dominated social club. Sure, there are men up front but the milieu is feminine. It’s relationships, and children, and shoulders to lean on.

A healthy Christian marriage has sex and a shoulder to lean on. If porn is all sex then church is all shoulder.

It’s the perfect environment for interpersonal skills. Skills that come naturally to women and feminized men. In fact, soft handed men love church as it’s the one place to showcase their gifts. It’s all very agreeable and consensus driven. Nary a controversial word is ever spoken.

If you are the kind of person who is better with ideas, and things, and wants to slay dragons (meaning your a man), then the modern church is not for you.

It’s a fiction, just like porn.

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It’s difficult to explain to Christians why they even need to attend a church... ever. Instead I get this https://youtube.com/watch?v=FHpuWcRK7vg&feature=sharec

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